im dogen hai.. as of writing this im 15. i like the internet and gnomes and stuff. i draw alot and am planning on doing an art related career when i get older or something. i want to start collecting gnomes (so far i only have 3!) and all that.. ive liked radiotvsolutions and tumblr sexymen ever since i was 13 and my interests in both have been varying in intensity but im still consistantly a fan of both even umm. 2 years later
im making this website to distance myself from the mainstream section of the internet (save for tumblr but thats not really mainstream anymore isnt it) but also because i think itd be fun to make my own website and learn basic html. ive wanted to make my own website for a loooong time and i think now is a cool time to pick it up for real...
i will probably use this website to type up whatever im thinking about. this would probably include things such as issues that are on my mind, thoughts on my identity (both related to labels i use as a queer person and also me as an overall person seperate from gender and attraction. im still growing! finding out who you are is so hard when youre constantly shifting as a person), and talk about my interests or whatever characters im making.
features are probably going to be added or maybe removed from this site often, so you could check in often if u want. u dont have too though. thats okay. i love you either way ok? thank you for coming to my website regardless...